On Earth As In Heaven - (As Above So Below (Literally))
The Endless Cycle including C19 Version ~81,000
C19 - Game On!
Ecc 1:10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
"... each complete equinoctial cycle taking 24,000 years, have been gone thru about 81,000 times (likely double that) during the two billion years that science estimates the earth has already existed. Whenever the earthly school has fulfilled its temporary purpose in God's scheme according to cyclic timing, or whenever all the inhabitants have been fully educated in manifesting complete divinity, then through a cosmic deluge, Spirit will ... release human beings ... In partial dissolutions, only certain areas of the earth are dissolved, such as the continent of Atlantis and the Land of Mu in the Pacific." Yogananda, The Supreme Science of Knowing God pg 447
The Duat (2 Dual Kordylewski Clouds)
Their most sacred religious writings — the Pyramid Texts, describe a region of the sky called the Duat that represented the afterlife, the underworld and rebirth.
This is where the Egyptians believed their Gods resided and it’s guardian was Osiris, the God of the dead and rebirth.
The Star Mirror
Premise - Mark Vidler earlier proves that all mountains and ranges are intelligently designed geometrically, by analyzing the peaks of the highest mountains and more and their relationship to the stars. Fascinating read.
"I mentioned earlier that I suspected the stars in the dagger of Orion symbolized the phallus of Osiris. I was keen to discover where the ejaculation point of the erect and culminating Orion is now reflected in this +30 degree mirror.
Having first shifted the Duat stars north by 30 degrees, I once again brought the stars down over the Earth.
I was stunned.
The star at the top of the erect phallus +30 degrees passes vertically over Thebes and the Valley of the Kings, aligning perfectly verticle with Mt. Nezzi.
... Mt. Nezzi is the singular high point overlooking the great Temple of Karnac and the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens, the remote valley in the desert mountains where the Pharaohs were buried in great numbers. The Pharaohs have therefore placed their bodies under the seed point of the Phallus of Osiris +30 degrees , but only when it is erect as it is today, standing upright on the meridian.
... The Pharaohs were anticipating this time, aware of the unique position on Earth, under Heaven as it is today.
There is good cause to suggest that the Pharaohs saw in the phallus, the potential for regeneration, the promise of eternal life in the 'birthplace of the stars', 'the fish's mouth', the Orion Nebula.
It seems something very compelling is missing from our ancient history. Something here places the past and the present together, almost as if all history were no more than a cycle of events endlessly repeated, and once understood. And is the cycle now coming full circle once again? What did the Pharaohs anticipate? Why are they now aligned so under the sky? Why are the Duat stars so perfectly synchronized with the mountains on Earth?" The Star Mirror pg 239
Now consider the Names of the last Trump and pearly Gates? Coincidence?
Still you think so? Hmmm!!
Delta Dawn, Omicrom (Omega) Hmmmm!! Get in the game!! All is Intelligently Designed ... every last tidbit of every last crumb.
The universe is a show. The phenomenal play within the universe is a show in a show. The work of the Creator disappears when real knowledge dawns. The phenomenal play within the universe is false; and when pure existence is realized, the phenomena disappear in to the deep-sleep. These three pertain to the three states of consciousness, namely, waking consciousness, dream consciousness and the deep-sleep consciousness. But the real Self-consciousness transcends these three states and abides in its native glory.
One has to free oneself from the self-inflicted ignorance and acquire the right knowledge, and has to realize that the world is nothing but the manifestation of the Self. Then the phenomenal play ceases and the sense of duality is obliterated.
Raju, Linga. SHUNYA SAMPADANE: The Main Scripture of the Veerashaivas. A concise composition. (p. 68).
The concept of Maya in the vachanas can be summarized as follows:
Maya plays tricks on one’s mind so as to speak, and makes one’s mind wander.
Maya is that which obstructs one’s understanding. It hides the true identity of oneness, and makes it appear as if it is two separate entities.
The play of Maya works against the realization of the Self.
Under the influence of Maya, the ego flourishes, and one displays an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
Under the influence of Maya, one continues to be ignorant without self-knowledge, and regards the world to be distinct from one’s own self.
One has to free oneself from the self-inflicted ignorance and acquire the right knowledge.
The individual-self has to rid itself of Maya by recognizing that the play of Maya is working against the realization of the Self.
In order to achieve this, one has to have a pure mind which is devoid of any restless activity, and has to have a clear consciousness.
As one realizes one’s true nature and hence one’s real identity, one discards the false glamour of the phenomenal world, and frees one’s Self from the sinister influence of Maya.
Raju, Linga. SHUNYA SAMPADANE: The Main Scripture of the Veerashaivas. A concise composition. (pp. 71-72).
All is Intelligently Designed For Evolution
Eclipse & Comet (Elijah) 12 Pons-Brooks
I am not suggesting Pons Brooks is Elijah, but I am suggesting that Elijah comes to burn the world (see Sirach 48 below). My best guess is he comes in 3 years after the final eclipse of the double helix (Lucifer / Shahar). Perhaps Elijah was Venus (perhaps also Venus ~ 3500 years ago - read Velikovsky). Pons-Brooks should have us pondering our future.
See - https://ontheroadtofindout.ca/X_Marks_The_Spot.htm
The Day of the LORD Comet
Isa_13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh (H935), cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
Joe 1:15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come(t).
Comet 12P / Pons-Brooks
Pons is Latin for bridge. (Bridge Over Troubled Waters)
The pons is the largest part of the brainstem, located above the medulla and below the midbrain. It is a group of nerves that function as a connection between the cerebrum and cerebellum (pons is Latin for bridge).
Pons - the part of the brainstem that links the medulla oblongata and the ...
Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey - Hey Jude - Cranial Vagus Nerve X
X's and O's > Noughts (zero) and Crosses
HEY represents the number five. It appears twice in the sacred Name of God, deeming it a symbol of Divinity.
HEY means ‘take’ in Hebrew, specifically referring to the taking or giving of oneself. As it is said: “Take for yourselves seed.” It is implied that taking for yourself is an act of self-revelation to others, which is the ultimate form of giving.
The Hebrew language is gender-based, hence the masculine and feminine form of most words. The letter HEY denotes femininity, as it is the suffix that makes a word feminine. The Divine presence in the letter HEY, signifies the Shechinah, (the feminine aspect of God).
The Hebrew four letters that spell the tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God; despite the spelling, most often pronounced “Adonai.”
Hey Jude
"The Movement You Need is on Your Shoulder"
X = The Mark of Illumination / The complete ...
Come Together / Blazing Star / Birthing Your Christ Child by Merging / Virgin Births
Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
In the meditative mind, the male sends the star, and the female receives the star. The process of which creates a divine child (children).
Blazing Star
"A Star, in the hieroglyphical system of the pagan oneirocritics, denoted a god; and this sense the word doubtless acquired from the universally established doctrine of the Gentiles, that each star was animated by the soul of a hero god, who had dwelt incarnate upon earth as a descent or avatar of the creative divinity." Faber
The continental definition is, " it is no matter whether the figure of which the Blazing Star forms the centre, be a square, triangle, or circle, it still represents the Sacred Name of God, as an universal spirit who enlivens our hearts, purifies our reason, increases our knowledge, and makes us wiser and better men."
"The Blazing Star is emblematical of that Prudence which ought to appear...