Man of Sin or Son of Man
In the gnostic writings included in the New Testament can be found many cases where two names, signifying morally opposite principles, have the same number and can therefore be seen as two aspects of the same type. St. Paul in II Thessalonians 2:3 warns of a coming antichrist, the Man of Sin, ὁ ἀνθρωπος της ἀνοµιας, 2,260. This is also the number of the idol set up by the second beast in Revelation 13, called the Image of the Beast, ἡ εἰκων του θηριου. The coincidence of numbers here is obviously congruous; but furthermore 2,260 is the number of ὁ υἱος ἀνθρωπου, the Son of Man, who comes on a white cloud in Revelation 14, armed with a golden sickle to reap the harvest of the earth. The Son of Man being an epithet of Christ, here again is the paradox of both Christ and Antichrist bearing the same number.
1,746, the Number of Fusion
The number 1,746 is a symbol of fusion between the negative and positive forces in nature, 1,080 and 666, of which it is the sum. It is the number by gematria of το πνευµα κοσµου, the Universal Spirit, which is the combination of those two forces, and it is the number of the name given to the light that streamed out of the holy of holies at seasons when the electric currents of the atmosphere were fused together with the magnetic energies of the Earth Spirit at the Temple of Jerusalem. The name of that light was the Glory of the God of Israel, ᾑ δοξα του θεου Ἰσραηλ, 1,746.
Michell, John. The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth . Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition.
Michell, John. The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth .
The Two Beasts of Revelation
"St. John’s account of the corruption of Christianity is hidden behind the allegory of the beasts in Revelation 13.
The prophet sees the first beast rising out of the sea. This is the great event that gave birth to Christianity: the dawn of a new sun and the rising up of a new god or archetype from the subconscious mind, symbolized by the sea, which is also mare or Mary.
The second beast then appears, coming out of the earth: “He had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” He commands everyone on earth to worship the first beast “which had the wound by the sword, and did live.” In the name of the first beast he makes war on the saints and overcomes them and establishes his authority throughout the world. He deceives people by means of the wonders he can perform through the power of the first beast, persuading them to make an image of the wounded beast and to worship it. Those who will not do so are killed, and anyone who is not stamped with the mark, name, or number of the beast is excluded from society and may not buy or sell in the market.
St. John’s meaning is plainly in accordance with the course of events as perceived by the gnostics. The second beast comes from the earth and is therefore a material creature, the body of the Church. It manipulates the power of the first beast, the spirit of the Redeemer, promotes its influence, and identifies itself as its agent. Having gained power, it consolidates its hold by suppressing the gnostic saints and by claiming credit for all miracles performed in the name of Christ. Finally it sets up an idol, the wounded figure of Jesus Christ, cajoles people into worshipping it, and excommunicates those who will not do so. In the last words of the chapter is spelled out the esoteric number of the first beast, 2,368, the number of the man on the cross.
St. Paul, whom the gnostics claimed as one of their number, made a similar comment in the first chapter of his Epistle to the Romans, condemning those who “changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man … who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator.”
Michell, John (2008-01-07). The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth (Kindle Locations 3313-3318).
"the problem of identifying the individual whom St. John had in mind when he wrote, “and his number is 666.” In solving it, one must apply to St. John’s text the same cabalistic methods that, according to Irenaeus and other ecclesiastical writers, were practiced by the gnostic masters and were therefore known to John himself. We are told to “count the number of the beast.” The number 666 does not need to be counted or computed, for it is openly given, so evidently there is another number behind it that does need calculating. That number is in the final, key phrase of Revelation 13, “And his number is 666. The values of the words in that phrase are, 31, 70, 430, = 1,171, 666. The sum of these numbers, and therefore the value of the whole phrase, is 2,368, which is the number of Jesus Christ. The esoteric meaning of the whole verse is therefore:
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man: 2,368, Jesus Christ.”
Michell, John (2008-01-07). The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth (Kindle Locations 3279-3291).
Jesus existed as a man (many say, Essene or otherwise), Jesus Christ is a myth, and the myths of the Bible writers (Gnostics) do not correlate with the Christian dogmas perpetrated by Rome.
Christianity in Gnostic form, existed long before Rome and in its purest form, it will always exist because it was truth.
"He only the “son of his deeds,” a preeminently holy man, and a reformer, one of the many, who paid with His life for the presumption of endeavouring, in the face of ignorance and despotic power, to enlighten mankind and make its burden lighter by His Ethics and Philosophy?" Blavatsky
Eclipse & Comet (Elijah) 12 Pons-Brooks
I am not suggesting Pons Brooks is Elijah, but I am suggesting that Elijah comes to burn the world (see Sirach 48 below). My best guess is he comes in 3 years after the final eclipse of the double helix (Lucifer / Shahar). Perhaps Elijah was Venus (perhaps also Venus ~ 3500 years ago - read Velikovsky). Pons-Brooks should have us pondering our future.
See -
The Day of the LORD Comet
Isa_13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD cometh (H935), cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.
Joe 1:15 Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come(t).
Comet 12P / Pons-Brooks
Pons is Latin for bridge. (Bridge Over Troubled Waters)
The pons is the largest part of the brainstem, located above the medulla and below the midbrain. It is a group of nerves that function as a connection between the cerebrum and cerebellum (pons is Latin for bridge).
Pons - the part of the brainstem that links the medulla oblongata and the ...
Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey - Hey Jude - Cranial Vagus Nerve X
X's and O's > Noughts (zero) and Crosses
HEY represents the number five. It appears twice in the sacred Name of God, deeming it a symbol of Divinity.
HEY means ‘take’ in Hebrew, specifically referring to the taking or giving of oneself. As it is said: “Take for yourselves seed.” It is implied that taking for yourself is an act of self-revelation to others, which is the ultimate form of giving.
The Hebrew language is gender-based, hence the masculine and feminine form of most words. The letter HEY denotes femininity, as it is the suffix that makes a word feminine. The Divine presence in the letter HEY, signifies the Shechinah, (the feminine aspect of God).
The Hebrew four letters that spell the tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God; despite the spelling, most often pronounced “Adonai.”
Hey Jude
"The Movement You Need is on Your Shoulder"
X = The Mark of Illumination / The complete ...
Come Together / Blazing Star / Birthing Your Christ Child by Merging / Virgin Births
Mat 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
In the meditative mind, the male sends the star, and the female receives the star. The process of which creates a divine child (children).
Blazing Star
"A Star, in the hieroglyphical system of the pagan oneirocritics, denoted a god; and this sense the word doubtless acquired from the universally established doctrine of the Gentiles, that each star was animated by the soul of a hero god, who had dwelt incarnate upon earth as a descent or avatar of the creative divinity." Faber
The continental definition is, " it is no matter whether the figure of which the Blazing Star forms the centre, be a square, triangle, or circle, it still represents the Sacred Name of God, as an universal spirit who enlivens our hearts, purifies our reason, increases our knowledge, and makes us wiser and better men."
"The Blazing Star is emblematical of that Prudence which ought to appear...