>> https://ontheroadtofindout.ca/pole_shift_zodiac.htm Image 8 - Norse Mythology - In Norse mythology, the Ouroboros appears as the serpent Jörmungandr, one of the three children of Loki and Angrboda, which grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth. Image 9 - Ouroboros (Dragon) eating its tail at the Sword According to the Dictionary of symbols, the dragon represents "the union of two opposed principles." Its androgynous nature is symbolized most clearly by the Ouroboros, the serpent-dragon, which "incarnates sexual union in itself, permanently self-fertilizing, as shown by the tail stuck in its mouth" Image 10 - "THE PYRAMIDS, glyphs, and artworks left behind by this civilization suggest an extraordinary refinement and subtlety of thought—vastly different from the later Aztecs, who, Octavio Paz noted, “confiscated a singularly profound and complex vision of the universe to convert it into an instrument of domination.” The most celebrated monuments of the Maya include the Temple of Kukulkan (the name of Quetzalcoatl in the Toltec tradition) at Chichen Itza. This nine-step pyramid is four-sided and has ninety-one steps on each side, with the platform on top equaling 365, the number of days in a solar year. Twice a year, on the spring and fall equinox, the shadow of a serpent appears and undulates along the staircase of the temple for more than three hours, creating a pattern of isosceles triangles similar to that found on local rattlesnakes. Puns on all levels, games played with stone and light, in which architecture and sculpture reflect stellar alignments and yearly cycles, fascinated the Mayan mind. Acoustics were also of interest to them. Archaeologists have recently discovered that clapping at certain spots around the Temple of Kukulkan produces a sound identical to the chirp of the quetzal bird." pg 193 https://ia903409.us.archive.org/17/items/daniel-pinchbeck-2012-the-return-of-quetzalcoatl/Daniel%20Pinchbeck%20-%202012%20The%20Return%20of%20Quetzalcoatl.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spm5-SXo4Do">
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The Serpent in Mythology - Cosmic Serpent & Kundalini

Gen_3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

Job_26:13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.

Rev_20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

The Serpent is both a reference to the Microcosm (kundalini) and the Macrocosm (Draco, Dragon). Serpent mentioned 40 times, Dragon 19 times in the Bible.

Dragon Macrocosm
תַּנִּים    תַּנִּין
tannı̂yn    tannı̂ym
tan-neen', tan-neem'
(The second form used in Eze_29:3); intensive from the same as H8565; a marine or land monster, that is, sea serpent or jackal: - dragon, sea-monster, serpent, whale.

Dragon Microcosm
Probably from an alternate form of δέρκομαι derkomai (to look); a fabulous kind of serpent (perhaps as supposed to fascinate): - dragon.

"In the Garden of Eden myth we are told that there were two trees in the Garden: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Tree of Life is the Tree of Spiritual Life, or the “Tree of Unity”. Unity, of course, is “one”; and “one” is the number which is Symbolic of the spiritual, united and undivided realm. The Tree of Life, therefore, exists in the Spiritual Garden, or Spiritual womb, where all souls reside prior to their manifestation, or Incarnation, into the realm of matter.

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the “Tree of Duality”. Whenever we come across two extremes, or opposites, in mythological tales or religious texts this should automatically remind us that these opposites, or extremes, are a reference to Duality and the realm of Duality. Duality can only exist in the realm of matter; and duality is expressed, numerologically, by the number “two”.

It is within the branches of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that the “tempting serpent” resides. This is, metaphorically and Symbolically, the same Cosmic Serpent which resides in the stars (branches) of the Cosmic Tree; the World Tree; the Tree of Duality; and the polar center of the heavens,

The Serpent tempts Eve with the Forbidden Fruit. Eve accepts. She then offers the fruit to Adam who also accepts. They are then “banished” from the Garden of Eden.

... As the descending soul must accept the temptation, or “test” from the Cosmic Serpent, and as the Ascending soul is carried back into the heavens by this same Cosmic serpent, Draco can therefore be considered to be the “guardian of the heavens”; for Draco stands at the gateway, or border, that separates heaven and earth.

For whether a soul is ascending, or whether a soul is descending, it must have a Symbolic encounter with this Cosmic Serpent named Draco.

"And as the Serpent was the original ancient archetype assigned to the Constellation Draco, it is also associated with the "branches" of the World Tree along with the Great Cosmic Sea of the heavens as well. In this heavenly aspect it is referred to as the "Cosmic Serpent".

As the movement of the Serpent is Symbolic of the shape of Rivers, and the movement of Water through Rivers is Symbolic of the "flow of Time", the Serpent is also a Symbol for the various Cycles and Incarnations which permeate the cosmic and earthly realms. We find this Cyclical Symbolism represented by the ancient Symbol of
the Ouroboros; the Serpent devouring its own tail which reminds us that as one Cycle comes to its end, or is "swallowed up", the next Cycle is preparing itself to begin.

The Serpent also sheds its own skin in its annual renewal. This shedding is a Symbol for transformation, re-Incarnation, Change and renewal; whereby an old and expired era, Cycle or Incarnation is shed for a new and rejuvenated one; one stage of life is shed for another; and one type of existence (physical and material) is shed
for its next higher aspect of existence (spiritual and sublime).

In this respect the shedding of the Serpent's skin is also Symbolic of an individual's various Rites of Passage in which he or she engages during their Current Incarnation. And, in a more sublime aspect, the shedding of the Serpent's skin is also Symbolic of the Path of the Initiate who sheds his, or her, prior state of being in their Ladder-like progression through higher and higher realms of Awareness until Ascension into the realm of Spiritual Illumination is finally attained.

The twisting shapes of the two Serpents around a central staff, depicted in the physician's Caduceus, is Symbolic of both the DNA matrix and the Kundalini energy which entwines itself around our spinal column.

However, on a much higher Symbolic plane, the dancing and entwining Serpents Symbolized by the Caduceus represent the Spiritual DNA which is the the Breath of Life that permeates all realms of the physical, mental and spiritual cosmos.

It is interesting to note that the Serpents which are Symbolized and held in high esteem by both the Ancient Egyptians, the native cultures of the Americas and all other native and indigenous races are always poisonous. This is Symbolic of both the Initiatory and physical "deaths" which must be necessarily experienced at the various stages of an individual's Incarnation so that "birth" into higher realms and orders can be attained.

Image 1 - What is the Serpent Mound? Time, and times, and half a time

The Serpent Mound is an effigy mound built out of land in the shape of a twisting snake, and much of its origin is shrouded in mystery.

I would suggest it is a representation of Draco, the macrocosmic path of human or other forms of evolution. The microcosmic path being Kundalini within. Three 3 and 1/2 a half turns or Biblically a time, and times, and half a time

Dan_12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

Rev_12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Image 2 - Crop Circle

This beauty was reported on the 29th of July 2011 at West Woodhay Down, near Inkpen, Wiltshire. Spread across 11 tramlines with 29 circles making the body of the serpent ... The number 29 is key to this formation, adding 2+9 we get 11 ... which is a master number ... awakening to Oneness ((( All is 1 ))) ! It's one of the biggest crop circles ever seen in England. The symbolism of the Cosmic Serpent, DNA Activation and Earth's Kundalini Awakening stand out ... ... the PSI symbol or the Trident, the Trishul of Shiva as it's known in India is represented as the Serpent's/Dragon's Tongue. All this seems symbolic of the return of "Quetzalcoatl" and DNA Activation ... Earth's Kundalini Rising!

Image 3 - Pyramid - Serpent of Chichen Itza | Mexico

Image 4 - Aztec Art - Man being resurrected and eaten by the serpent. Notice the double hands, the templar's cross, bull's eye, graduation, the wolf, the eagle, a representation of a bird / dove the X, the crown etc.

Image 5 - Draco constellation

Image 6 - Egyptian Heiroglyph - Showing Aquarius, The X CrucifiXion and resurrection, Double Helix or DNA changes

Image 7 - An Egyptian cat cutting the neck of a serpent with a sword.
See also >>> https://ontheroadtofindout.ca/pole_shift_zodiac.htm

Image 8 - Norse Mythology - In Norse mythology, the Ouroboros appears as the serpent Jörmungandr, one of the three children of Loki and Angrboda, which grew so large that it could encircle the world and grasp its tail in its teeth.

Image 9 - Ouroboros (Dragon) eating its tail at the Sword

According to the Dictionary of symbols, the dragon represents "the union of two opposed principles." Its androgynous nature is symbolized most clearly by the Ouroboros, the serpent-dragon, which "incarnates sexual union in itself, permanently self-fertilizing, as shown by the tail stuck in its mouth"

Image 10 - "THE PYRAMIDS, glyphs, and artworks left behind by this civilization suggest an extraordinary refinement and subtlety of thought—vastly different from the later Aztecs, who, Octavio Paz noted, “confiscated a singularly profound and complex vision of the universe to convert it into an instrument of domination.” The most celebrated monuments of the Maya include the Temple of Kukulkan (the name of Quetzalcoatl in the Toltec tradition) at Chichen Itza. This nine-step pyramid is four-sided and has ninety-one steps on each side, with the platform on top equaling 365, the number of days in a solar year. Twice a year, on the spring and fall equinox, the shadow of a serpent appears and undulates along the staircase of the temple for more than three hours, creating a pattern of isosceles triangles similar to that found on local rattlesnakes. Puns on all levels, games played with stone and light, in which architecture and sculpture reflect stellar alignments and yearly cycles, fascinated the Mayan mind. Acoustics were also of interest to them. Archaeologists have recently discovered that clapping at certain spots around the Temple of Kukulkan produces a sound identical to the chirp of the quetzal bird." pg 193


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