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Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey - Hey Jude - Cranial Vagus Nerve X

Yud, Hey, Vav, Hey - Hey Jude - Cranial Vagus Nerve X
X's and O's > Noughts (zero) and Crosses

HEY represents the number five. It appears twice in the sacred Name of God, deeming it a symbol of Divinity.

HEY means ‘take’ in Hebrew, specifically referring to the taking or giving of oneself. As it is said: “Take for yourselves seed.” It is implied that taking for yourself is an act of self-revelation to others, which is the ultimate form of giving.

The Hebrew language is gender-based, hence the masculine and feminine form of most words. The letter HEY denotes femininity, as it is the suffix that makes a word feminine. The Divine presence in the letter HEY, signifies the Shechinah, (the feminine aspect of God).


The Hebrew four letters that spell the tetragrammaton, the unpronounceable name of God; despite the spelling, most often pronounced “Adonai.”

Hey Jude

"The Movement You Need is on Your Shoulder"

X = The Mark of Illumination / The complete number of the (Great) Work

"It is the great symbol of manifested light (9), which is indicated by the Greek letter X (khi), initial of the words ... crucible, gold, and time, triple unknown of the Great Work. ... Thus it has been made the seal, the mark of illumination, and, in a wider sense, of spiritual revelation.

The Holy Spirit is always perpendicular to its body, that is to say, in a cross. For the Greek cross and that of St Andrew have in hermetics a exactly similar meaning. One frequently encounters the image of the dove completed by a halo which specifies the hidden meaning, as can be seen in the religious scenes of our Primitives and in a number of purely alchemical sculptures (10).

The Greek X and the French X represent the writing of light by light itself, the trail of its passage, the manifestation of its movement, the affirmation of its reality. It is its true signature. Until the 12th century, no other mark was used to authenticate old charters; from the 15th century on, the cross became the signature of illiterates. In Rome, auspicious days were signed with a white cross and unfavorable ones with a black cross.

St. Jude’s Libra helps patients with Parkinson’s
Image 6

A deep brain stimulation implant made by St. Jude Medical’s (NYSE:STJ) proved effective in the treatment of patients Parkinson’s disease, according to results published in The Lancet.

The Vagus Nerve X

The vagus nerve (cranial nerve [CN] X) is the longest cranial nerve in the body, containing both motor and sensory functions in both the afferent and efferent regards.
Image 6 - Vegas Nerve Symbolism
St. Jude / Libra

How Parkinson's is caused by misaligned atlas vertebrae and a misaligned atlas vertebrae caused atrophy to vagus nerve (cranial nerve X OR Double XX because there are two vagus nerves, left and right!).

A vertebral subluxation will cause the Atlas and Axis bones to lock in a misaligned position. This lock will sustain Nerve System tension and spine imbalance. This tension leads to abnormal sensitivity, perception and behavior of the brainstem and surrounding nerves.

Over time, this disruption can lead to symptoms. The usual symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease are:

Slowed movement (bradykinesia)
Rigid muscles
Impaired posture and balance
Loss of unconscious movements
Speech changes
Writing changes


The vagus nerve has been suggested to represent one major route of disease progression in Parkinson's disease (PD).


An in balance cervical spine (Aligned Atlas) results in a properly functioning vagus nerves (xx) which equates with Yod Hey Vau Hey.

Locked Out Of Heaven

Hey Jude Lyrics

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid.

You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.

For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
Hey Jude, don't let me down.
You have found her, now go and get her.
Remember to let her into your heart,

Then you can start to make it better.
So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin,
You're waiting for someone to perform with.
And don't you know that it's just you, hey Jude, you'll do,
The movement you need is on your shoulder.

Gospel of Judas

Lucky 13 or Destruction
Knowing that Judas was reflecting upon something that was exalted, Jesus said to him,
“Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It is possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. [36] For someone else will replace you, in order that the twelve [disciples] may again come to completion with their god.”
Judas said to him, “When will you tell me these things, and [when] will the great day of light dawn for the generation?”
But when he said this, Jesus left him.

Judas said to [him, “Rabb]i, what kind of fruit does this generation produce?”
Jesus said, “The souls of every human generation will die. When these people, however, have completed the time of the kingdom and the spirit leaves them, their bodies will die but their souls will be alive, and they will be taken up.”
Judas said, “And what will the rest of the human generations do?”
Jesus said, “It is impossible [44] to sow seed on [rock] and harvest its fruit. [This] is also the way […] the [defiled] generation […] and corruptible Sophia […] the hand that has created mortal people, so that their souls go up to the eternal realms above.
[Truly] I say to you, […] angel […] power will be able to see that […] these to whom […] holy generations […].”
After Jesus said this, he departed.

Judas said, “Master, could it be that my seed is under the control of the rulers?”
Jesus answered and said to him, “Come, that I [—two lines missing—], but that you will grieve much when you see the kingdom and all its generation.”
When he heard this, Judas said to him, “What good is it that I have received it? For you have set me apart for that generation.”

Jesus answered and said, “You will become the thirteenth, and you will be cursed by the other generations—and you will come to rule over them. In the last days they will curse your ascent [47] to the holy [generation].”

“[…] light [—nearly two lines missing—] around […] let […] spirit [that is] within you dwell in this [flesh] among the generations of angels. But God caused knowledge to be [given] to Adam and those with him, so that the kings of chaos and the underworld might not lord it over them.”
Judas said to Jesus, “So what will those generations do?”
Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, for all of them the stars bring matters to completion.

When Saklas completes the span of time assigned for him, their first star will appear with the generations, and they will finish what they said they would do. Then they will fornicate in my name and slay their children [55] and they will […] and [—about six and a half lines missing—] my name, and he will […] your star over the [thir]teenth aeon.”

After that Jesus [laughed].
[Judas said], “Master, [why are you laughing at us]?”
[Jesus] answered [and said], “I am not laughing [at you] but at the error of the stars, because these six stars wander about with these five combatants, and they all will be destroyed along with their creatures.”

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